Sunday, July 22, 2007

The perks of the job (or in my case, being a trainee)

1) Being the best skiers on the slopes.

2) Being able to criticize the people with 'all the gear but no idea'.

3) Get to jump queues at the lifts because they have a special queue for us.

4) 30% off all your ski hardware.

5) 15% off everything else at ski shops.

6) When they tune your skis they do it well because they know you will know if they haven't.

Not all of these apply yet, seeing as I am only 2 days in, but I'm starting to realize there are a number of advantages to spending a lot of time in the resort. I'm going skiing in a few minutes, no training till Wednesday but need to get some good practice in and I want to try the new equipment!

Watched the rugby last night at a pub in town. I'm not the biggest fan of Rugby, but there are lots of Aussies here so it was a good atmosphere.

My nice new equipment:

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